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New revenue streams for schools using video

Can Video Unlock a New Revenue Stream for Schools and Other Educational Institutions?

In education, staying ahead means embracing innovative approaches to engage students, parents, and stakeholders. One such powerful tool that has gained momentum in recent years is video.

The pandemic created a need for virtual classrooms, so the education sector quickly adopted video and has shown no signs of looking back.

But can video also unlock a new revenue stream? At Hydra Creative, we firmly believe so.


Embracing the Power of Video

Video isn't just about entertainment anymore; it can be used creatively for learning and communication. Within education, there are a variety of ways that video can be utilised, including the following:

Branding and Marketing: Compelling video content can enhance an institution's brand image and attract funding and partnerships. Whether showcasing success stories via a promotional video or highlighting unique offerings, video marketing can help institutions stand out from the crowd.

Virtual Tours: High-quality video tours allow institutions to showcase their facilities and campus life, giving potential students a glimpse into their future. These videos can be particularly useful for providing insight for international students who cannot travel for individual open days.

Event Coverage: From guest lectures to sports events, capturing these moments on video allows institutions to extend their reach beyond physical boundaries. Live streaming and recorded content can then be monetised in order to generate additional revenue.

Online Courses: The demand for online education continues to rise, and video is at the heart of it. Educational institutions can develop and monetise online courses, providing flexible learning opportunities for students worldwide.


Partnering with Hydra Creative

At Hydra Creative, we understand the transformative potential of video in education. Our in-house videography team has extensive experience working with different educational businesses, from schools and colleges to education-focused charities.

Our team can work with educational institutions of all sizes to create engaging and impactful content for use across various platforms.

From concept development to post-production, we handle every aspect of creative video production, ensuring the final product exceeds expectations.

At Hydra, we appreciate that privacy concerns are paramount when incorporating video into educational settings. Therefore, we always obtain consent from students and parents where necessary before any filming takes place. Where required, we can also anonymise videos by blurring out the identities of students who have not consented to be filmed.

Video holds immense potential for educational institutions seeking to diversify revenue streams and enhance student engagement.


Want to harness the power of video to tell stories, attract students, and generate revenue? Contact our video production agency today!

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