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The holidays you need to start planning for... now! banner

The holidays you need to start planning for... now!

As it is the start of a new year what better time to start planning your marketing campaigns, we have put together a list of holidays throughout the year that should be included in your campaign.

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Valentine’s Day

Contrary to popular belief, any business can benefit from Valentine’s Day, not from the day itself but the timing surrounding it. January is the time for post-Christmas recovery for many consumers, so start planning your Valentine’s Day campaign now ready to put into action at the beginning of February. Use this time wisely to make sure your website is updated and working correctly, engage with your customers on social media and ensure your brand image is correctly portraying your business. All of these actions will maximise your awareness and bring in those all-important sales.

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Consumers will have now recovered from Christmas and many will spend at least four days off work during the Easter period, use this time to push your social media campaigns. Your potential customers will be sitting at home, deciding what to spend their money on – they may not need your service or product at that time, but nothing stops you from getting in front of them to ensure when they do need something from your area of expertise, you will be the first person that they contact.

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May Bank Holiday

Whilst the weather is getting warmer more people will be spending time outside, while sunbathing in the park or the beach there is very limited things to do. Mobile devices will be used to access the internet, this is when you should make sure that your website is mobile friendly. Whether you are a hairdresser or a manufacturer of plates, consumers will spend this time looking online and the only way to make sure you’re getting in front of them is to have mobile friendly website.

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Summer Holiday

Celebrate the long summer days by giving your customers more! Discounting old stock is great but if you work within the service industry, giving a discount will only make your current customers feel that your service isn’t worth as much as they were previously paying – however you can add extra value to your product with an upgrade/free service. For example, you could offer a free hot oil treatment when a customer purchases a cut and blow dry at your salon. Something so simple will also encourage customers to make those all-important referrals as they will think they are getting a great deal and want to help their friends get a great deal too!

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When summer has drawn to a close, the next thing to start planning for is Halloween, it may seem like a strange idea to include this holiday within your marketing but you really can use it to your advantage. Social media is the way forward for this holiday, maybe your workplace is holding a Halloween party, take photographs and post them all over your social media, blog or website. Remember people buy from people, and the best way to show your company’s personality is to have a little bit of fun. Another thing you can do for Halloween is showcase your expertise, are you a nutritionist? Create a recipe and post it online for others to use and share. Are you a dressmaker? Make a one-off spooky-inspired dress and show your potential customers what you can do.

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Black Friday 

It’s not only the retailers that can be getting involved in black Friday, any business can offer a discount for their services/products. It is the last official payday before Christmas so people are looking for bargains to buy for their loved ones, some people may require your services for themselves or someone they know. Ensure that people are aware of these offers by promoting them throughout November.

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Start planning your Christmas campaign well before Black Friday to ensure you get maximum benefit from it. Sending Christmas cards? Ask a trusted digital agency to design your business some personalised Christmas cards that you can send to your customers and suppliers. A video that shows off your business is something that should be considered at any time of year, but having a Christmas theme will assist the video in getting shared among social media – just look at John Lewis. A video could help you increase your leads by up to 88%, there is no other marketing method which can give you that much return on your investment.

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New Year 

Use the forthcoming New Year to start fresh and think up of new ideas, detox your business and feel better for it. Reflect on what has worked in the previous year and what should be continued through to the following year.

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Good luck with all of your marketing in the next 12 months, be creative but most of all have fun.

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