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V3 recaptcha - what you need to know banner

V3 recaptcha - what you need to know

Keeping a website safe and secure from spammers and website hackers is a top focus for many business owners. With technology becoming increasingly more sophisticated, trying to determine if a person is submitting a genuine enquiry or if it’s just a pesky robot sending through automated abusive spam, can cause unnecessary concern and frustration. 

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The introduction of the of the V3 reCAPTCHA verification tool from Google, now enables website owners to determine exactly if they have received a legitimate enquiry.

Not only does the V3 reCAPTCHA reduce spam coming through via the contact form, but it also helps to improve user experience, as it doesn’t interrupt the user by providing them with a tick box to complete.

Instead, the web user is scored based on their behaviour and interactivity when on the website to determine if their actions are suspicious, allowing to the real user ease of use. 

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